Mojo - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Mojolicious
Personal collection of software-related bookmarks :bookmark: - ddmitov/software-bookmarks Zeugs rund um meinen code.talks 2014 Vortrag. Contribute to reneeb/codetalks2014 development by creating an account on GitHub. A client for Amazon DynamoDB. Contribute to rustyconover/Amazon-DynamoDB development by creating an account on GitHub. WebAccess Server for minimalist (experimental). Contribute to Maki-Daisuke/WebAxs-Lite development by creating an account on GitHub. The renderer can be manually started by calling the method "render" in Mojolicious::Controller, but that's usually not necessary, because it will get automatically called if nothing has been rendered after the router finished its work.
Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. knutov / gist:78b7043ee6ea4f345f6da55670e65582 forked from bfg/gist:668320. Created May 23, 2017 Pyjoyment 0.0.1 documentation¶. A next generation web framework for the Python programming language. Based on Mojolicious. Contents: Mojolicious could prepare the webpages with the correct JSON feed for each user. With some JavaScript libraries to display the web calendar, all would be well in the forest. Everything except the JavaScript libraries are lightweight. And everyone knows a page reload goes so much faster if it doesn't have to download the JavaScript every time Mojo::UserAgent is a full featured non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket user agent, with IPv6, TLS, SNI, IDNA, HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy, UNIX domain socket, Comet (long polling), Promises/A+, keep-alive, connection pooling, timeout, cookie, multipart, gzip compression and multiple event loop support. One possible issue that was pointed out by a fellow user was that I was using regular open("" , 'w') to write to files in my co-routine and that this might be a blocking piece of code. So my question is, is there a way to do non-blocking file IO in Tornado? I couldn't find anything in my research that fit my needs. The guides cover most aspects of using the framework and the components have comprehensive reference documentation. Mojolicious is a real-time web framework, which allows a new class of web applications using WebSockets and having long-running requests without blocking. The mojocasts have thus far used lite apps exclusively to demonstrate basic Mojolicious functionality. This has led some to believe that Mojolicious is a one-file micro-framework; however, that is not the case. Mojolicious a full-featured framework, supporting what some would call Catalyst-level deployments, in addition to one-file simple applications.
Jump to ↵ No suggested jump to results For years one of my primary tasks as a Mojolicious Core Team member has been to teach Mojolicious users the ins and outs of asynchronous programming. We have championed several patterns to tame the beast and clean up async code, including continuation passing, promises and now async/await. But while promises were a noted improvement over You can also disable automatic rendering with the method "render_later" in Mojolicious::Controller, which can be very useful to delay rendering when a non-blocking operation has to be performed first. # Rendering templates. The renderer will always try to detect the right template, but you can also use the template stash value to render a CONTENTS. NAME; SYNOPSIS; DESCRIPTION; FUNCTIONS. curfile; path; tempdir; tempfile; METHODS. basename; child; chmod; copy_to; dirname; is_abs; list; list_tree; lstat A tiny wrapper around DBD::Pg that makes PostgreSQL a lot of fun to use with Mojolicious. Perform queries blocking and non-blocking, use all SQL features PostgreSQL has to offer, generate CRUD queries from data structures, manage your database schema with migrations and build scalable real-time web applications with the publish/subscribe pattern. Clone via HTTPS Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repository’s web address. Document your code. Every project on GitHub comes with a version-controlled wiki to give your documentation the high level of care it deserves.
Added attr_is, attr_isnt, attr_like and attr_unlike methods to Test::Mojo. (pau4o) Improved is_fresh method in Mojolicious::Static with support for weak etags. Mojolicious::Lite is a very tiny wrapper around the so-called "Full" app architecture, giving it the approachable keyword syntax. Because it is much nicer to have concise single-file examples for documentation most of Mojolicious' documentation uses Lite syntax most of the time. It is understandable that people worry about migrating (or as we Non-blocking read lines from a slow standard input (mojolicious) (perl) - slow_stdin_ Mojo::UserAgent::Cached is a full featured caching, non-blocking I/O HTTP, Local file and WebSocket user agent, with IPv6, TLS, SNI, IDNA, Comet (long polling), keep-alive, connection pooling, timeout, cookie, multipart, proxy, gzip compression and multiple event loop support. It inherits all of the Mojolicious is one of the relatively new, light-weight, modern web application frameworks of Perl. If you look at its web site, it is full of rainbows, clouds and unicorns. The reason for that is that the block is actually just the second parameter of the get function imported by Mojolicious::Lite
4 Nov 2014 Mojolicious Perl Framework for the Real-Time Web Dotan Dimet Download The template is in the DATA section of the same file, that's just a perl trick to Web Client • Mojo::UserAgent – Blocking and non-blocking HTTP