HTML 5 Demos and Examples. HTML 5 experimentation and demos I've hacked together. Click on the browser support icon or the technology tag to filter the demos (the filter is an OR filter). HTML5 also presents new challenges to online privacy, so if you're at all concerned about your privacy please read my comprehensive notes on VPN Services like Express VPN and NordVPN.
Dec 31, 2019 A Blob object represents a file-like object of immutable, raw data; they can be read If the type is unknown, this string is empty. Safari iOS ? Oct 3, 2019 In Safari, you can use x-webkit-airplay="deny" as a fallback. If the media has no known end (such as for live streams of unknown If autoplay is specified, the browser would obviously need to start downloading the audio for playback. Browsers don't all support the same file types and audio codecs; you Because of this, you can "teach" older browsers to handle "unknown" HTML elements. The HTML5Shiv is a javascript file that is referenced in a All rights reserved